Why Should You Listen To Me?
Cologne, Germany, July 2018
I believe…
… in the power of building positive habits. While I accept that some people may have a limited natural advantage over others when it comes to learning, I have no doubt that anyone can become ‘clever’.
Anyone (yes – anyone!) can succeed academically and in the world of work with the right techniques and mindset.
I’m proud of…
#1 My academic record
12 A*s at GCSE
4 A*s at A-level
Starred First Class degree (79%) in French and Spanish from Trinity College, Cambridge
Distinction (ranking 2nd of 755) in Graduate Diploma in Law (BPP)
Distinction (ranking 1st of 160) in LLM Commercial Legal Practice (BPP)
#2 My books
I’ve authored a total of 5 books (available on Amazon) mainly for GCSE students, although there is also a general study tips guide: The Rules of Revision.
#3 My job
I’m a lawyer at a UK Magic Circle law firm (Clifford Chance). If you’d like to know more about what life is like as a corporate lawyer and how to pursue law after university in the UK, click here.
#4 My commitment to social change
By helping people work productively and be more empathetic, I hope to make the world that little bit brighter. I believe that “cleverness” and “success” are the products of techniques that can be learned, an attitude that can be developed and persistence. And I believe spreading this idea and the techniques I discover can change people’s lives for the better.
#5 My family, girlfriend and friends
They are all loving, caring and successful in their own ways. They remind me constantly of what really matters – people, relationships, experiences together, laughter. “Success” comes in many forms, and being a good parent, partner or friend is more valuable than any academic or professional success.
I’m currently working on…
#1 Being a great lawyer
I’m a solicitor, having done the GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law) and the accelerated LPC (Legal Practice Course) in London and graduated with a Distinction, and then completed a 2-year training contract at Clifford Chance.
#2 Creating amazing videos
I create YouTube videos on learning, productivity, mental wellbeing and careers. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here!
#3 Helping GCSE languages students
I’m the Founder of StudyMojo Ltd., a company that creates GCSE languages courses online (French & Spanish). This is a passion project, aiming to encourage students to pursue languages at GCSE!
#4 Instagramming
You can check out my lil’ ol’ account here!
People I learn from…
Tim Ferris
I’m a regular listener of Tim’s podcast (at 1.5x speed) and I’ve also read The Four-Hour Work Week and Tools of Titans. A constant source of ideas for experiments to try out in my own life (from fasting to exercise), Tim’s a big deal and with good reason.
Pat Flynn
I’ve followed Pat and his blog Smart Passive Income for about 4 years now, and in that time I’ve learned the basics of creating content (written in my books and spoken in my videos) to help others, and simultaneously make money from advertising, affiliate sponsorship and my own products.
Matt D’Avella
Matt makes insanely beautiful videos on topics I care about. His content focuses on minimalism (enjoying life through experience, rather than things) and the benefits of everything from cold showers to reducing sugar intake.
Ali Abdaal
In the world of StudyTubers, I find much of the content entertaining, but fundamentally unhelpful. Ali is, however, an exception – and I hope to be so too. Not only are his videos beautifully filmed and well edited, but they accord with my own views on learning and productivity. He’s a boss, and has massively helped me in my journey to becoming a video creator!